Many companies spend large amounts of time every day creating permits to work for routine work. If you are managing a large site, you can easily face hundreds of permits for routine work each month. To guarantee safety, these permits to work must be prepared with the utmost care. By and large this is a time-consuming job that you need to focus on carefully. Are you curious about how you can improve the standard of your permits while spending less than 50% of the time preparing them? Discover the Spectades Safety Blueprint solution for HxGN EAM.
One integrated solution
The Spectades Safety Blueprint is an integrated solution in HxGN EAM Smart Cloud. The great advantage of the blueprint is that it offers you one solution for your work orders and permits to work. This means that you save costs for separate solutions. Since the blueprint also operates completely in the cloud, there is no need to purchase, install and manage high-performance IT. Furthermore, you can access your solution from any device using any screen format.
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The Safety Blueprint helps you to make your permits to work more professional and standardized. It can give you more overview and insight in the work and accompanying permits to work. The solution makes optimization and verification easier and more manageable. You can apply all of this and record time savings of 50%. Would you like to know how this can be achieved with the Safety Blueprint? Download the whitepaper or schedule a demo on our website.
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HxGN EAM is best-in-class asset management software. This software optimises your maintenance operations to reach new levels of efficiency. HxGN EAM is a purpose-built asset management software that scales as organisations grow.